Our Structure

LCCLT, Inc. is governed by a Board of Directors with a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, which currently meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month from 10-11am. Operations and maintenance are divided among five committees and a number of subcommittees. Board and committee meetings are open to anyone who wishes to participate. We want your input and ideas!

Board of directors

Board and Officer elections take place at our Annual Corporate Meeting every spring. Board members may also be elected at any Board meeting with a quorum present, and may resign at any time. Anyone who has attended three or more Board meetings is eligible to join. All corporate officers must be first elected to the Board. Terms of office are one year with President, Vice-President and Secretary being limited to two consecutive terms, Treasurer to three consecutive terms. Other Board members have no term limits. Officers may re-join the Board after a minimum one-year interim. Want to join a Board Meeting to start the process? Email info@LCCLT.org or just come on down!

JOIN A Committee

What’s your passion? What’s your expertise? All of the Land Trust committees welcome your participation! Meetings are open to the community. Get in touch to find out when they meet or need volunteers. Email info@LCCLT.org if interested.



The Grounds Committee plans and coordinates routine maintenance of the property, such as planting and weeding, as well as special projects like fencing and repairs. It is responsible for directing our monthly Community Workdays and its volunteers. Supervises our contractors for various work including landscaping and repairs.

pLANNING & Governance

The Planning & Governance Committee oversees bylaws and policies, organizational structure, long-term visioning and goal-setting, legal and liability issues, etc. A subcommittee is our Transition team (goal of creating a new contractor position, directly answerable to the Board, to coordinate all management decisions). Fundraising and planning are needed to make this a reality.

Finance & Fundraising

The Finance & Fundraising Committee is chaired by our Treasurer and oversees budget, accounting, funding, investments, taxes, insurance, etc. Subcommittees include Grants (research, write proposals and apply) and Festivals (plan and coordinate our large music festivals).

Programming & Education

The Programming Committee fields requests for the use of the Land Trust for private events, coordinates classes and workshops and partners with the Communications Committee to get the word out. Supervises the Programming Coordinator, contractor, to ensure scheduling, publicity, planning, etc. are executed. A subcommittee is Events (traditions such as Easter egg hunts, pumpkin carving, potlucks, drum circles, etc.).


The Communications Committee (in partnership with the Programming Coordinator, contractor) is responsible for any and all communication between the Land Trust and its various overlapping communities. This includes our social media, our email list, the bulletin board, signage, event posters, print collaterals, our monthly page in the Lake Claire Clarion, this website, and other digital or traditional communications.  Subcommittees include Outreach, IT and Signage. We are currently working on a grant funded overhaul of signage around the property.